ZOZO is an immersive learning platform for occupational therapy students, thoughtfully designed to help them build clinical reasoning skills. This interactive virtual reality patient experience provides students with a better understanding of context and away to help them reduce anxiety before entering the clinical setting.
75% of the users mentioned the proposed solution addressed their need. The qualitative and quantitive data suggests that proposed solution will help occupational therapy students to build clinical reasoning skills, and feel less stress and anxiety before entering the clinical setting, and make experiential-based learning accessible for students.
Platform designed to track student progress and access resources to improve their clinical reasoning skills.
Mobile App
Web Platform
Duration: 1 Year
Nature of Project: Project made in collaboration withe Dice Group XR Lab
Roles and Responsibilities
Tools and Methods
<aside> ✅ DiceXR Group
<aside> ✅ Blackstone Launchpad
<aside> ✅ Jefferson